Mexico City: Teotihuacan and Tlatelolco Day Trip by Van

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Tour Description

Embark on an adventure to ancient Teotihuacan, where you can marvel at the majestic pyramids of the Sun and Moon. Immerse yourself in the profound history of the region as you pay a visit to the revered Our Lady of Guadalupe Basilica, a significant pilgrimage destination. Additionally, gain insights into the rich tapestry of the past by discovering the three cultures symbolically represented at Tlatelolco.

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  • Explore Teotihuacan, one of the world’s most impressive archaeological complexes.
  • Witness the grandeur of the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon, constructed between A.D. 1 and 250.
  • Unravel the significance of Our Lady of Guadalupe as a symbol of Mexican faith.
  • Delve into the three periods of Mexican history at Plaza de las Tres Culturas.
  • Maximize your experience with small groups for a more intimate and enriching journey.


Embark on a full-day tour to immerse yourself in the rich cultural and historical heritage of the Mexico City area. Witness the three most significant sites that have shaped the nation’s past and present.

  1. Teotihuacan Archaeological Site: Marvel at the awe-inspiring pyramids, including the Sun and Moon pyramids, the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, and the Dead’s Avenue. Teotihuacan is a testament to the ancient civilization’s architectural prowess and historical significance.
  2. Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Visit Mexico’s foremost Catholic pilgrimage site, dedicated to the Virgin Mary’s reported appearance to Juan Diego, an Aztec peasant. The basilica stands as a symbol of profound religious devotion and cultural fusion.
  3. Tlatelolco and Plaza de las Tres Culturas: Experience the meeting point of Mexico’s past, present, and future. Discover the three periods of Mexican history represented by structures from the pre-Columbian era, Spanish colonial times, and the independent mestizo nation at Plaza de las Tres Culturas in Tlatelolco.

Join this comprehensive tour to delve into Mexico’s fascinating past and witness the enduring legacies of its diverse cultures.